Historical individuals with the surname of Stahlbrandt (or similar)

It’s not easy to find the name Stahlbrandt with variances throughout our history. Most families with this surname have ancestors adopting it not too long ago; in the 19th or 20th century. Here are though a couple of individuals who’ve made it into the history books. As always, if you have any comments on these records, please use the discussion forum, or send an email to us. This page will continuously be extended with more information as time ticks on.

The monk Stalbrand

In the year 875, the monks at Lindisfarne (north east of England) evacuates the island for the last time. The same year, Adrian (Magirdle), Bishop of Saint Andrew’s, Stalbrand, Geodianus, Caius, Clodian, and their companions, are martyred on the Isle of May, Scotland.

A mail to the person who published this text on the net (no more available) didn’t provide us with any additional information and he was not able to come up with the original source of the statement. A scan through several books about the viking raids on Scotland, such as “the Fury of the Northmen”, didn’t help out any further either 🙁

Brigadier general Stalbrand

Brigadier General Carl Johan Stalbrand (Stålbrand) fought in the US American Civil War in the 1860’s. He was the adopted (=bastard) son of “Ryttmästare” Adolf Tornerhielm of “Össjö”, Sweden, and had nine siblings. The family of CJ Stalbrand took the name “Stolbrand” which exists throughout the USA today. It’s interesting to see that Adolf was a “Ryttmästare”, a profession which is very common in our line of Ståhlbrandt’s.


e-mail correspondance with Tom Risbecker [m] March 1999 and various sites on the net mentioning the general, such as: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilcivilw/history/032.htm [e]